Bargain Alert – $4 Disney Infinity LightFX Figures @ Target

Disney Infinity Bargain Alert

There’s been quite a few sales of Disney Infinity figures since the game’s cancellation, and this is definitely one of the better ones. You can get all of Target’s exclusive LightFX figures for just $4! These figures behave like their normal counterparts, except the lightsabers on the physical figures will light up while they’re on the portal! Their statues in the Hall of Heroes will also get a lightsaber mark to indicate you’ve bought a LightFX figure. Target’s site says there’s only a few left, so you’d better hurry.

Obi-Wan Kenobi LightFX – $4 (+ shipping for orders under their free shipping thresholds)

Kanan Jarrus LightFX – $4 (+ shipping for orders under their free shipping thresholds)

Yoda LightFX – $4 (+ shipping for orders under their free shipping thresholds)


via Ozbargain

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